Business Model Canvas商业模式画布

What is the Business Model Canvas? 什么是商业模式画布?

Created by Swiss entrepreneur and Strategyzer co-founder, Alexander Osterwalder, the Business Model Canvas is a visual representation of the 9 key building blocks that form the foundations of every successful business. It’s a blueprint to help entrepreneurs invent, design, and build models with a more systematic approach. 由瑞士企业家和 Strategyzer 联合创始人 Alexander Osterwalder 创建的商业模式画布是构成每个成功企业基础的 9 个关键构建块的视觉表示。这是帮助企业家以更系统的方法发明、设计和构建模型的蓝图。

Why is it so popular within the business community? 为什么它在商界如此受欢迎?

Its simplicity. The business model canvas allows us to carry out a high-level analysis without drilling down and getting lost in the details. You just draw out the 9 building blocks on a blank canvas, fill them in as each concept relates to your business, and hang it somewhere everybody can see. 它的简单性。商业模式画布使我们能够进行高层次的分析,而不会深入挖掘和迷失在细节中。您只需在空白画布上画出 9 个构建块,填写每个概念与您的业务相关,然后将其挂在每个人都能看到的地方。

It’s a visual overview of your entire business on a single canvas. 它是在单个画布上直观地概述您的整个业务。

While the Business Model Canvas is an extremely fluid concept and hyper-specific to individual companies, each canvas is still broken down into these 9 key building blocks: 虽然商业模式画布是一个非常流动的概念,并且对各个公司都非常具体,但每个画布仍然分为以下 9 个关键构建块:

  1. Customer Segments 客户细分
  2. Value Propositions 价值主张
  3. Channels 渠道
  4. Customer Relationships 客户关系
  5. Revenue Streams 收入来源
  6. Key Resources 关键资源
  7. Key Activities 主要活动
  8. Key Partners 主要合作伙伴
  9. Cost 成本

When laid out on the canvas the model will look something like this: 当在画布上布局时,模型将如下所示:  Scheme of business model in which 9 important fields are developed for its execution.

While you’ve probably come across each of the 9 building blocks before, the attractiveness of the Business Model Canvas is that it confines them to a single page, not a traditional 42-page document. 虽然您之前可能遇到过 9 个构建块中的每一个,但 Business Model Canvas 的吸引力在于它将它们限制在单个页面,而不是传统的 42 页文档。

This makes it a lot easier to digest, as well as assess existing business models or map out new ideas. 这使得它更容易消化,以及评估现有的商业模式或规划新的想法。

How do I fill out the Business Model Canvas? 如何填写商业模式画布?

To start your Business Model Canvas you will need to breakdown and analyze each of the 9 building blocks. 要开始您的商业模式画布,您需要分解和分析 9 个构建块中的每一个。

A good way to approach this is to gather the heads from marketing, sales, operations, finance, and manufacturing (if product-based) and pencil-in a morning where you can all meet together. 解决这个问题的一个好方法是召集来自营销、销售、运营、财务和制造(如果基于产品)的负责人,并在一个可以聚在一起的早晨举行会议。

Then, after drawing a mock canvas onto a whiteboard, proceed to dissect and discuss each of the 9 building blocks as they relate to your business. You can use sticky notes to better organize your thoughts around the canvas. 然后,在白板上绘制模拟画布后,继续剖析和讨论与您的业务相关的 9 个构建块中的每一个。您可以使用便笺来更好地在画布上组织您的想法。

If you are an entrepreneur or new business owner working alone and don’t have a team to bounce your ideas off, not to worry. You can still carry out your analysis before sharing it with a like-minded entrepreneurial community or forum, like those found on ThePowerMBA, to get useful, insightful feedback. 如果您是独自工作的企业家或新企业主,并且没有团队来反弹您的想法,请不要担心。在与志同道合的创业社区或论坛分享之前,您仍然可以进行分析,例如在 ThePowerMBA 上找到的,以获得有用、有见地的反馈。

Whichever way you decide to approach it, I recommend you complete each block in the following order: 无论您决定采用哪种方式,我都建议您按以下顺序完成每个块:

  1. Customer Segments 客户细分
  2. Value Propositions 价值主张
  3. Channels 渠道
  4. Customer Relationships 客户关系
  5. Revenue Streams 收入来源
  6. Key Resources 关键资源
  7. Key Activities 主要活动
  8. Key Partners 主要合作伙伴
  9. Cost structure 成本结构

For continuity, I’m going to use the fashion retail giant Zara when analyzing each of the 9 key building blocks. 为了保持连续性,我将使用时尚零售巨头 Zara 来分析 9 个关键构建块中的每一个。

If you’d like to skip to another case study similar to your own business, navigate to the table of contents at the top of the page and select one of the other business model canvas examples. 如果您想跳到与您自己的业务类似的其他案例研究,请导航到页面顶部的目录,然后选择其他业务模型画布示例之一。

Customer Segments 客户细分

Customer segment business model canvas for Zara company

The first block of the Business Canvas Model is about understanding who is the most important customer(s) you’re delivering value to. Or, in other words, who are they? What do they do? And why would they buy your product or service? Business Canvas 模型的第一个块是关于了解谁是您向其提供价值的最重要的客户。或者,换句话说,他们是谁?他们做什么?他们为什么要购买您的产品或服务?

Not a single company exists without its clients, making customer segments the best block to start with while drawing out your business model canvas. 没有一家公司没有客户,因此在绘制您的商业模式画布时,客户群是最好的起点。

A great exercise to define your customer segments is to brainstorm and create your company’s buyer persona(s) 定义客户群的一个很好的练习是集思广益并创建公司的买家角色.

Buyer personas are fictional depictions of an ideal or hypothetical client. Typically when brainstorming a buyer persona you’d want to define certain characteristics (age, demographic, gender, income, industry, pain points, goals, etc.) 买方角色是对理想或假设客户的虚构描述。通常,在集思广益买家角色时,您需要定义某些特征(年龄、人口统计、性别、收入、行业、痛点、目标等)。

However, remember at this stage we want a snapshot of our customer segment. There’s no need to jump into great detail just yet. 但是,请记住,在这个阶段,我们想要客户群的快照。现在还没有必要深入细节。

In the case of Zara, there are three distinct customer segments to whom they offer different products. 就 Zara 而言,他们有三个不同的客户群,他们向他们提供不同的产品。

  1. Men
  2. Women 女人
  3. Children 孩子

The products created for each of these customer segments (clothing, shoes, and accessories) are not trans-consumable. That is to say, a woman’s dress is highly unlikely to be worn by a 7-year-old child. 为每个客户群(服装、鞋履和配饰)创建的商品不可销售。也就是说,一个女人的衣服极不可能被一个7岁的孩子穿。

Once we know exactly who it is we are targeting, it’s time to look at what we as a company have to offer. 一旦我们确切地知道我们的目标是谁,就该看看我们作为一家公司必须提供什么了。

Value Propositions 价值主张

Canvas business model with its Value Proposals to know how to solve the customer's need

The second phase is about figuring out your company’s value propositions, and importantly, your UVP (unique value proposition). The “what” that makes customers turn to you, over your competitors? Which of their problems are you best at solving? 第二阶段是关于弄清楚贵公司的价值主张,重要的是,你的UVP(独特的价值主张)。是什么让客户转向你,而不是你的竞争对手?你最擅长解决他们的哪些问题?

Each value proposition consists of a bundle of products or services that fulfill the needs of a buyer persona from your customer segment. It’s the intersection between what your company offers, and the reason or impulse customers have for purchasing. 每个价值主张都由一系列产品或服务组成,这些产品或服务可以满足客户群中买家角色的需求。这是贵公司提供的产品与客户购买的原因或冲动之间的交集。

Some popular questions to ask while determining your UVP are: 在确定您的 UVP 时要问的一些常见问题是:

  • Which specific customer pain point are you trying to solve? 您正在尝试解决哪个特定的客户痛点?
  • What job are you helping customers get done? 您正在帮助客户完成哪些工作?
  • How does your UVP eliminate customer pain points? 您的 UVP 如何消除客户痛点?
  • What products or services do you provide that answer this specific pain point? 你们提供哪些产品或服务来回答这个特定的痛点?

So let’s try and apply this to Zara. Why do people choose to purchase from them, over their competitors? 因此,让我们尝试将其应用于 Zara。为什么人们选择从他们那里购买,而不是他们的竞争对手?

Zara’s principal value propositions are fairly clear. They offer various ranges of stylish men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing and accessories at an affordable price. Zara 的主要价值主张相当明确。他们以实惠的价格提供各种时尚的男装、女装和童装和配饰。

But there’s more to it than that. 但还有更多。

If we dive a little deeper we see Zara’s value propositions are more complex, which are behind the success of the brand: 如果我们更深入地研究,我们会发现 Zara 的价值主张更加复杂,这是该品牌成功背后的原因:

Fast fashion 快时尚

Zara adds new clothes and designs to its collections every 2-3 weeks, both in its stores and online. It keeps the brand updated, fresh, and modern while maintaining its all-important medium price point Zara 每 2-3 周在其商店和网上为其系列添加新衣服和设计。它使品牌保持更新、新鲜和现代,同时保持其最重要的中等价位

Great eCommerce experience 出色的电子商务体验

Once you enter Zara’s online store you’re presented with a clean, easy-to-navigate, and high-end feel. The customer segments are visible on the left navigation bar with a search tab to further aid customers with their online experience. 进入 Zara 的在线商店后,您会看到干净、易于导航和高端的感觉。客户细分显示在左侧导航栏上,并带有搜索选项卡,以进一步帮助客户获得在线体验。

Localized stores 本地化商店

You can find a store in nearly all major retail locations (shopping malls, retail outlets, airports, etc.) meaning accessibility is not an issue for the majority of consumers. 您可以在几乎所有主要零售地点(购物中心、零售店、机场等)找到一家商店,这意味着对于大多数消费者来说,可访问性不是问题。

Flagship stores 旗舰店

Zara demonstrates its aesthetic evolution to customers through its flagship stores. The recent opening of their Hudson Yards, New York City flagship is a great example of this. Customers shop around its vivid, minimalist layout offering them an experience aligned with the brand’s deeper, eco-friendly values. Zara通过其旗舰店向顾客展示其美学演变。最近在纽约市哈德逊广场(Hudson Yards)开业的旗舰店就是一个很好的例子。顾客围绕其生动、简约的布局购物,为他们提供与品牌更深层次、更环保的价值观相一致的体验。

Channels 渠道

Channels - Business Model Canvas

The next step is to ask yourself how you are reaching your customers, and through which channels? 下一步是问问自己,你是如何接触你的客户的,通过哪些渠道?

This includes both the channels that customers want to communicate with you as well as how they’ll receive your products or services. 这既包括客户希望与您沟通的渠道,也包括他们将如何接收您的产品或服务。

Is it going to be a physical channel? (store, field sales representatives, etc.) Or is it a digital channel? (mobile, web, cloud, etc.). 它会是一个物理渠道吗?(店铺、现场销售代表等)还是数字渠道?(移动、Web、云等)。

Zara has 3 primary channels in which they communicate and deliver products to its customers: Zara 有 3 个主要渠道,他们通过这些渠道与客户沟通和交付产品:

    1. Direct sales through their stores 通过他们的商店直接销售
    2. Online (both app and website) 在线(应用程序和网站)
    3. Social media 社交媒体

Customers can go to a traditional “bricks and mortar” store to browse, model, and purchase different items of clothing at one of their retail stores. 顾客可以去传统的“实体店”,在他们的一家零售店浏览、建模和购买不同的服装。

Alternatively, they can shop online or through their mobile application and have the product delivered straight to their door or nearest store. The choice is completely up to them! 或者,他们可以在线或通过移动应用程序购物,并将产品直接送到他们家门口或最近的商店。选择完全取决于他们!

So that covers Zara’s commercial channels, but what about how they communicate with customers? 这涵盖了 Zara 的商业渠道,但他们如何与客户沟通呢?

While they do communicate through their mobile app, their predominant channel is social media. 虽然他们确实通过移动应用程序进行交流,但他们的主要渠道是社交媒体。

What’s more, they’re really, really good at it. 更重要的是,他们真的非常非常擅长。

For example, did you know that Zara invests less than 0.3% of its sales revenue into advertising? 例如,您知道 Zara 将其销售收入的不到 0.3% 投入广告吗?

This is only possible due to an A-rated social media presence. Customer queries are not only dealt with quickly, but recommended re-works are sent back to HQ, forwarded onto in-house designers who then apply the feedback to future collections. 这只有在 A 级社交媒体上才有可能。客户查询不仅得到快速处理,而且建议的返工被发送回总部,转发给内部设计师,然后由内部设计师将反馈应用于未来的系列。

This customer-first approach through fluid communication channels has saved them thousands of dollars in marketing, strengthened their brand, and created a loyal customer base. 这种通过流畅的沟通渠道实现的客户至上方法为他们节省了数千美元的营销费用,加强了他们的品牌,并建立了忠实的客户群。

You should only step away from this building block once you’ve decided how each of your customer segments want to be reached. 只有在您决定了如何接触每个客户群后,您才应该离开这个构建块。

Customer Relationships 客户关系

Customer Relationships - Business Model Canvas

Once you have acquired customers, you will need to think about how you can build, nurture, and grow those relationships. 一旦你获得了客户,你就需要考虑如何建立、培养和发展这些关系。

Now, this can be automated and transactional like large eCommerce brands Amazon or Alibaba. Or, it could be at the complete opposite end of the scale and require a more personal relationship you’d typically have with a bank or your local bike shop. 现在,这可以像大型电子商务品牌亚马逊或阿里巴巴一样自动化和交易。或者,它可能处于规模的完全相反的一端,需要您通常与银行或当地自行车店建立更私人的关系。

Zara’s relationship with its customers is threefold, and lies somewhere in the middle of transactional and personal: Zara 与客户的关系是三重的,介于交易和个人之间:

  1. Salesperson at store 店内销售人员
  2. Brand through social media 通过社交媒体打造品牌
  3. Sentimental attachment to a product 对产品的情感依恋

Yes, you have the initial transactional touchpoint at the store or online, something relatively impersonal and for many the only interaction they’ll have with the brand. 是的,你在商店或网上有最初的交易接触点,这是相对没有人情味的,对许多人来说,这是他们与品牌的唯一互动。

However, customers (especially in the fashion industry) are encouraged to continue to interact with a brand through social media platforms. 但是,鼓励客户(尤其是时尚行业)继续通过社交媒体平台与品牌互动。

As we mentioned before when discussing channels, Zara has a very effective communication system in place. Not only can people instantly get in touch with the brand, but also engage with new posts, images, and collections uploaded to social media. 正如我们之前在讨论渠道时提到的,Zara有一个非常有效的沟通系统。人们不仅可以立即与品牌取得联系,还可以与上传到社交媒体的新帖子、图像和收藏进行互动。

This personal approach to customer relationship building can, in some cases, lead to the natural growth of brand ambassadors and communities 在某些情况下,这种建立客户关系的个人方法可以导致品牌大使和社区的自然增长.

An attachment can also develop between customers and particular garments or accessories from one of their collections. The sentimental attachment to these products also creates another potential form of brand loyalty. 客户与其系列中的特定服装或配饰之间也可以建立依恋关系。对这些产品的情感依恋也创造了另一种潜在的品牌忠诚度形式。

Revenue Streams 收入来源

Zara company sources of income where you can see the business model canvas

Now that you’ve described how you are going to create real value for your customers, it’s time to look at how you plan to capture that value. 既然您已经描述了您将如何为客户创造真正的价值,那么是时候看看您计划如何获取该价值了。

What are your revenue streams? Is it going to be a transactional, direct sales strategy? Are you going to consider a freemium model, where you give a portion of your product or service away for free with the idea of converting later on down the line? 您的收入来源是什么?这将是一种交易性的直销策略吗?您是否打算考虑免费增值模式,即免费提供部分产品或服务,并考虑以后进行转换?

If you’re a SaaS company such as SalesForce or Strava, then it’s likely that a licensing or subscription revenue model will be more appropriate. 如果您是 SalesForce 或 Strava 等 SaaS 公司,那么许可或订阅收入模式可能更合适。

At Zara, it’s extremely simple. They make their money by selling clothes and accessories either at a store or online. 在Zara,这非常简单。他们通过在商店或网上销售衣服和配饰来赚钱。

Key Resources 关键资源

As you can see, we’ve filled in the entire right-hand side of our business model canvas. We touched upon: 正如你所看到的,我们已经填写了我们商业模式画布的整个右侧。我们谈到了:

  • Customer segments 客户细分
  • Value propositions 价值主张
  • Marketing 营销
  • Revenue streams 收入来源
  • Distribution channels 分销渠道

Now it’s time to move over to the left side of the business canvas model and look at what we need, internally, to deliver our value propositions. 现在是时候转到业务画布模型的左侧,看看我们在内部需要什么来提供我们的价值主张。

Key resources of the Zara Business Model Canvas

To start with, let’s take a look at key resources. 首先,让我们看一下关键资源。

The key resources are all things you need to have, or the assets required to create that value for customers. 关键资源是您需要拥有的所有东西,或者为客户创造价值所需的资产。

This could be anything from intellectual property (patents, trademarks, copyrights, etc.) to physical holdings (factories, offices, delivery vans, etc.) right down to finances (the initial cash flow perhaps needed to start your brand). 这可以是任何东西,从知识产权(专利、商标、版权等)到实物控股(工厂、办公室、送货车等),再到财务(启动品牌可能需要的初始现金流)。

Another key resource every company needs to consider is its human capital. Are you going to need highly specialized software engineers? Or field-based sales teams? 每个公司都需要考虑的另一个关键资源是其人力资本。您需要高度专业化的软件工程师吗?还是现场销售团队?

They are relatively capital-heavy resources that need to be factored into your business model. 它们是相对资本密集型资源,需要纳入您的商业模式。

In the case of Zara, they are going to need a number of key resources if they hope to deliver their propositions: 就 Zara 而言,如果他们希望实现他们的主张,他们将需要一些关键资源:

  1. Stock management 库存管理
  2. A large, interconnected network of physical stores 一个大型的、相互连接的实体店网络
  3. A strong brand 强势品牌
  4. Logistics and supply chain infrastructure 物流和供应链基础设施

Stock is vital for both online and offline customers. 库存对线上和线下客户都至关重要。

If they are unable to supply their range of products and meet customer demands, satisfaction levels fall and they have a serious problem on their hands. 如果他们无法提供一系列产品并满足客户需求,满意度就会下降,他们就会面临严重的问题。

A large distribution network of brick and mortar stores combined with a strong brand name help mitigate these factors, as well as reinforce any ongoing marketing activities and communication efforts. 庞大的实体店分销网络与强大的品牌相结合,有助于缓解这些因素,并加强任何正在进行的营销活动和沟通工作。

Finally, an efficient logistics process within Zara is critical, especially when you consider the complexities involved with such a large-scale operation. 最后,Zara内部的高效物流流程至关重要,尤其是当您考虑到如此大规模的运营所涉及的复杂性时。

They will require the necessary technology to analyze data on inventory, storage, materials, production, and packaging, with the staff to execute each of these stages and manage the delivery of the final products. 他们将需要必要的技术来分析库存、存储、材料、生产和包装的数据,并由员工执行这些阶段中的每一个并管理最终产品的交付。

Key Activities 主要活动

The next step is to define the key activities – the areas you need to be good at to create value for your customers. 下一步是定义关键活动——您需要擅长的领域,以便为客户创造价值。

To mix it up a little let’s take a look at a slightly different business in Uber 为了稍微混淆一下,让我们看一下 Uber 中略有不同的业务.

Their key activities can be broken down into: 他们的主要活动可以分解为:

  1. Web and mobile app development Web 和移动应用程序开发
  2. Driver recruitment 司机招聘
  3. Marketing: customer acquisition 营销:客户获取
  4. Customer service activities: drivers’ ratings, incidents, etc. 客户服务活动:司机评分、事故等。

They need a fast, clean UX for their customers using the app, drivers to carry out their service, and the ability to both market the product and deal with any customer queries. 他们需要为使用该应用程序的客户、执行服务的司机提供快速、干净的用户体验,以及营销产品和处理任何客户查询的能力。

Zara’s key activities will differ to those of Uber. Some of the things they need to consider would be: Zara 的主要活动将与 Uber 不同。他们需要考虑的一些事项是:

  1. Design 设计
  2. Manufacturing 制造业
  3. Retail process (point of sale and 3rd party management) 零售流程(销售点和第三方管理)
  4. Distribution channel / logistics 分销渠道/物流

Design is a key activity as Zara’s value proposition is to provide stylish garments at an affordable price. Their collections need to be constantly updated to follow the latest fashion trends at the time. 设计是一项关键活动,因为 Zara 的价值主张是以实惠的价格提供时尚的服装。他们的系列需要不断更新,以跟上当时最新的时尚潮流。

To produce their collections Zara will also require manufacturing capabilities. Now Zara doesn’t own their own factories (we will get to that in the Key Partners section) but they still need to be involved in the garment manufacturing process. 为了生产他们的系列,Zara还需要制造能力。现在 Zara 没有自己的工厂(我们将在“主要合作伙伴”部分讨论),但他们仍然需要参与服装制造过程。

Everything from fabric selection to pattern making, to detailing and dyeing affects the outcome of the final product which of course they have to then go on and sell. 从面料选择到图案制作,再到细节和染色,一切都会影响最终产品的结果,当然,他们必须继续销售。

The effective management of the retail and distribution channels (online, offline, shipping, and communication with providers) is also key. A breakdown in either of these activities, such as a poor relationship with an important provider will have serious consequences for the business. 零售和分销渠道(线上、线下、运输以及与供应商的沟通)的有效管理也是关键。这些活动中的任何一项的失败,例如与重要供应商的关系不佳,都会对业务产生严重后果。

Key Partners 主要合作伙伴

Key Partners for Zara's Business Model Canvas

Most modern business models now require brands to build out and work with various key partnersto fully leverage their business model. 现在,大多数现代商业模式都要求品牌建立并与各种关键合作伙伴合作,以充分利用其商业模式。

This includes partnerships such as joint ventures and non-equity strategic alliances as well as typical relationships with buyers, suppliers, and producers. 这包括合资企业和非股权战略联盟等伙伴关系,以及与买方、供应商和生产商的典型关系。

A great example of a strategic partnership would be between ThePowerMBA and Forbes. In exchange for exposure of our brand to the magazine’s global audience, we provide expertise and content on high-level business education programs. 战略合作伙伴关系的一个很好的例子是 ThePowerMBA 和福布斯之间。为了换取我们品牌在杂志全球受众中的曝光率,我们提供有关高级商业教育计划的专业知识和内容。

As we touched upon when discussing key activities, Zara requires strategic partnerships with many different providers if they are to design and produce their collections. 正如我们在讨论关键活动时所提到的,如果Zara要设计和生产他们的系列,就需要与许多不同的供应商建立战略合作伙伴关系。

Another key partner is their major holding company, Inditex 另一个主要合作伙伴是他们的主要控股公司Inditex.

Inditex has several subsidiaries including Massimo Dutti, Pull & Bear, and Oysho. Being a subsidiary of Inditex means they share a consolidated balance sheet, stakeholders, management and control, and various legal responsibilities. Inditex 拥有多家子公司,包括 Massimo Dutti、Pull & Bear 和 Oysho。作为Inditex的子公司,意味着他们共享合并的资产负债表、利益相关者、管理和控制以及各种法律责任。

While as a subsidiary Zara is afforded certain freedoms when it comes to design, delivery, and the general running of the company, the overall strategy will need to be aligned with Inditex and its other subsidiaries. 虽然作为子公司,Zara在设计、交付和公司总体运营方面享有一定的自由度,但整体战略需要与Inditex及其其他子公司保持一致。

Cost 成本

Cost of Zara Business Model Canvas

The final step of the Business Model Canvas is to ask yourself, how much is it going to cost to run this model? 商业模式画布的最后一步是问问自己,运行这个模型需要多少钱?

This includes some of the more obvious needs such as manufacturing costs, physical space, rent, payroll, but also areas such as marketing activities. 这包括一些更明显的需求,如制造成本、物理空间、租金、工资单,但也包括营销活动等领域。

If you are unsure of exactly what to include in your cost structure take a look at a Profit and Loss statement (P&L) from a competitor or company in a similar industry to yours. You’ll find many items overlap such as research and development (R&D), cost of goods sold, admin expenses, operating costs, etc. 如果您不确定成本结构中应包含哪些内容,请查看与您行业相似的竞争对手或公司的损益表(P&L)。您会发现许多项目重叠,例如研发 (R&D)、销售成本、管理费用、运营成本等。

Once that’s done you should prioritize your key activities and resources and find out if they are fixed or variable costs 完成后,您应该确定关键活动和资源的优先级,并找出它们是固定成本还是可变成本.

As Zara is such a large, corporate business they are going to have both fixed costs (rent, payroll, point of sales personnel) and variables, such as costs associated with the fluctuating sale of goods, purchase of materials and, manufacturing costs. 由于 Zara 是一家如此庞大的企业企业,他们将同时拥有固定成本(租金、工资、销售人员)和变量,例如与商品销售波动、材料采购和制造成本相关的成本。

Once you’ve completed these 9 steps, your Business Canvas Model should look something like this: 完成这 9 个步骤后,Business Canvas 模型应如下所示: Zara Business Model Canvas Template where Cost is seen as the end point

Business Model Canvas Examples 商业模式画布示例

Hopefully, you were able to get a good feel for the effectiveness of the business model canvas with our run-through of Zara. 希望您能够通过我们对 Zara 的运行来很好地了解商业模式画布的有效性。

However, if you found it difficult to follow due to the stark difference between your industries, I’m going to quickly go through 3 more companies to demonstrate the tool’s flexibility: 但是,如果您发现由于行业之间的明显差异而难以遵循,我将快速浏览另外 3 家公司来展示该工具的灵活性:

  • Netflix (Media service/production) Netflix(媒体服务/制作)
  • Vintae (Vineyard) Vintae (葡萄园)

Even if these business model canvas examples don’t align exactly with your industry, I honestly believe that studying different models gives you a competitive advantage in your professional career regardless. 即使这些商业模式画布示例与您的行业并不完全一致,但老实说,我相信无论如何,研究不同的模型都会让您在职业生涯中获得竞争优势。

If you’re currently employed by a company, you’ll better understand how your specific role helps the company achieve some of its “long-term” goals. 如果您目前受雇于一家公司,您将更好地了解您的特定角色如何帮助公司实现其一些“长期”目标。

Alternatively, if you are a business owner yourself (or perhaps thinking of starting your own business) you’ll have a better understanding of your business and where potential opportunities lay. 或者,如果您自己是企业主(或者可能正在考虑创业),您将更好地了解您的业务以及潜在机会所在。

Netflix Netflix公司

I’m sure you’re familiar with our next business model canvas example candidate, Netflix 我相信您熟悉我们的下一个商业模式画布示例候选者 Netflix.

The global media company offers an online streaming service of various movies, documentaries, and TV programs produced in-house or licensed 3rd-party content. Their success sparked a revolution in the online media world with the likes of Amazon, Apple, Disney, HBO, and Hulu all rushing to launch their own online video streaming platforms. 这家全球媒体公司提供内部制作或许可的第三方内容的各种电影、纪录片和电视节目的在线流媒体服务。他们的成功引发了在线媒体世界的一场革命,亚马逊、苹果、迪士尼、HBO 和 Hulu 等公司都争先恐后地推出自己的在线视频流媒体平台。

Netflix started life as an online DVD rental company, basically a web version of the more popular (at least at that time) “bricks and mortar” Blockbuster. Netflix 最初是一家在线 DVD 租赁公司,基本上是更流行(至少在当时)“实体”Blockbuster 的网络版本。

Co-founder Reed Hastings predicted as far back as 1999 that the future of media was in online streaming, saying “postage rates were going to keep going up and the internet was going to get twice as fast at half the price every 18 months.” 联合创始人里德·黑斯廷斯(Reed Hastings)早在1999年就预测,媒体的未来在于在线流媒体,他说:“邮费将继续上涨,互联网将以每18个月一半的价格获得两倍的速度。

It wouldn’t be until 2007 that Hasting’s prediction would become true when Netflix, as we now know it, was born. 直到 2007 年,黑斯廷的预言才成为现实,当时我们现在所知道的 Netflix 诞生了。

So let’s take a current look at their business model canvas: 因此,让我们来看看他们的商业模式画布:

Netflix business model in which the 9 topics are taken into consideration

Customer segments 客户细分

As you probably know, there are very few people out there who haven’t subscribed, watched, or at least heard of Netflix. There is content for everybody: wildlife documentaries, sci-fi movies, rom coms, action-thrillers, you name it – it’s there. 您可能知道,很少有人没有订阅、观看或至少听说过 Netflix。每个人都有适合自己的内容:野生动物纪录片、科幻电影、浪漫喜剧、动作惊悚片,应有尽有,应有尽有。

That’s why their customer segment can be classified as a “mass market” as the base is just so diverse. 这就是为什么他们的客户群可以被归类为“大众市场”,因为基础是如此多样化。

All people require is a computer, TV, internet, and/or smartphone and they’re good to go. For most developed markets, that covers just about everybody. 人们所需要的只是一台电脑、电视、互联网和/或智能手机,他们就可以开始了。对于大多数发达市场来说,这几乎涵盖了所有人。

Value Proposition 价值主张

Whether on the train to work, sitting in the car (if you’re not driving!), or relaxing at home in front of the TV, you can consume their online, on-demand video streaming service. 无论是在上班的火车上,坐在车里(如果你不开车!),还是在家里的电视机前放松,你都可以使用他们的在线点播视频流服务。

They also have a huge library of content for consumers to choose from, ensuring that people keep coming back, as well as increasing their mass-market appeal. 他们还拥有庞大的内容库供消费者选择,确保人们不断回来,并增加他们在大众市场的吸引力。

They also produce high-quality, original content to differentiate themselves from their competitors. 他们还制作高质量的原创内容,以将自己与竞争对手区分开来。

Channels 渠道

Most people access Netflix either through their website or mobile/TV App. Another popular channel that you may have picked up on is their affiliate partners 大多数人通过他们的网站或移动/电视应用程序访问 Netflix。您可能已经注意到的另一个流行渠道是他们的附属合作伙伴.

You’ve perhaps signed up for a mobile, TV, and internet package where the provider offers Netflix as an extra to sweeten the deal, so to speak. 可以这么说,您可能已经注册了移动、电视和互联网套餐,提供商提供 Netflix 作为额外费用来增加交易的甜头。

That would be an example of an affiliate partnership between Netflix and mobile service providers. 这将是Netflix与移动服务提供商之间联盟合作伙伴关系的一个例子。

Customer Relationships 客户关系

I doubt many consumers have had direct contact with Netflix unless it’s to resolve a subscription issue or general query. It’s very much a self-automated service – you download the app, select the program you wish to watch, and hit play. 我怀疑许多消费者是否与Netflix有过直接联系,除非是为了解决订阅问题或一般查询。这在很大程度上是一项自我自动化的服务——您下载应用程序,选择您想观看的节目,然后点击播放。

Very simple, very effective. 非常简单,非常有效。

Revenue Streams 收入来源

Again, this doesn’t need much embellishment. Netflix generates money from the different tiers and packages put together in their subscription services. 同样,这不需要太多修饰。Netflix 从其订阅服务中的不同层级和套餐中赚钱。

This varies depending on the region to account for local markets, but on the whole, it’s sold at a low price point. 这因地区而异,以考虑当地市场,但总的来说,它以低价出售。

Key Resources 关键资源

Originally, Netflix’s Key Resources would have been their unrivaled DVD collection combined with a cost-effective mail-order system. 最初,Netflix 的关键资源是他们无与伦比的 DVD 收藏以及具有成本效益的邮购系统。

Nowadays it’s undoubtedly the rights to stream online video content. Netflix has brokered deals with some of the biggest production studios worldwide. 如今,毫无疑问,这是流式传输在线视频内容的权利。Netflix 已与全球一些最大的制作工作室达成了交易。

Combined with their huge library of in-house productions, it’s more than enough to encourage customers to renew their subscriptions. 结合他们庞大的内部制作库,这足以鼓励客户续订他们的订阅。

To help sustain interest in their product, Netflix understands they need to serve-up relevant content for each sub-sector of their mass audience. Therefore their machine learning algorithm selects content for consumers based on streaming habits (what they watched, at what time, etc,.) to personalize the customer experience. 为了帮助保持对其产品的兴趣,Netflix 了解他们需要为大众受众的每个子行业提供相关内容。因此,他们的机器学习算法根据流媒体习惯(他们观看的内容、在什么时间等)为消费者选择内容,以个性化客户体验。

This explains why over 80% of all content streamed on Netflix was cherry-picked by this algorithm, making it a Key Resource for their business model. 这就解释了为什么 Netflix 上超过 80% 的流媒体内容都是通过该算法精心挑选的,使其成为其商业模式的关键资源。

Also, Netflix accounts for a whopping 12.6% of global bandwidth usage. The literal capacity to stream their services must be met meaning bandwidth must also be included here. 此外,Netflix 占全球带宽使用量的 12.6%。必须满足流式传输其服务的实际容量,这意味着此处还必须包括带宽。

Key Activities 主要活动

Content procurement is arguably their biggest Key Activity. They need to find people to produce and deliver their original content, including actors, studios, writers, etc. as well as secure the licensing and streaming rights from 3rd party producers such as Sony, Warner Bros, and Disney. 内容采购可以说是他们最大的关键活动。他们需要找到人来制作和交付他们的原创内容,包括演员、工作室、作家等,并从索尼、华纳兄弟和迪斯尼等第三方制作人那里获得许可和流媒体权利。

Finally, they need a fast, easy-to-use application to host their online streaming service. This needs to be available for both TV and mobile devices if they are to deliver their “on-demand” value proposition. 最后,他们需要一个快速、易于使用的应用程序来托管他们的在线流媒体服务。如果电视和移动设备要提供其“点播”价值主张,则需要同时使用。

Key Partners 主要合作伙伴

Seeing as Netflix’s entire business model is largely based around streaming 3rd party content, key partnerships need to be built with production studios. No content, no Netflix! 鉴于 Netflix 的整个商业模式主要基于流媒体第三方内容,因此需要与制作工作室建立关键的合作伙伴关系。没有内容,就没有Netflix!

Also, as we touched upon earlier Netflix is one of the largest consumers of bandwidth worldwide. If the speed and delivery of their streaming service are to be continued then deals will also need to be made with internet service providers (ISPs). 此外,正如我们之前提到的,Netflix 是全球最大的带宽消费者之一。如果要继续保持其流媒体服务的速度和交付,那么还需要与互联网服务提供商(ISP)达成协议。

Cost 成本

Netflix’s biggest expenditures come from both their in-house content procurement and 3rd party licensing agreements. The high-quality standard of video streamed on Netflix is only possible due to the speed and performance of its online platform and application, which has additional costs of staff, software, etc. Netflix 最大的支出来自其内部内容采购和第三方许可协议。在 Netflix 上流式传输视频的高质量标准只能归功于其在线平台和应用程序的速度和性能,这需要额外的人员、软件等成本。

Vintae Vintae(温泰酒店)

To show you just how flexible the business model canvas can be, I wanted to throw in a slightly leftfield example. Vintae is a Spanish wine producer who, after a detailed analysis of the business model canvas, was able to innovate and disrupt one of the world’s most competitive industries. 为了向你展示商业模式画布的灵活性,我想举一个稍微左边的例子。Vintae是一家西班牙葡萄酒生产商,在对商业模式进行详细分析后,他能够创新并颠覆世界上最具竞争力的行业之一。

As some of you may know, the wine industry is extremely competitive. It’s also steeped in history and tradition, making it very challenging for newcomers to grab market share, let alone think about year-on-year growth and revenue. 正如你们中的一些人可能知道的那样,葡萄酒行业竞争非常激烈。它还拥有悠久的历史和传统,这使得新来者抢占市场份额非常具有挑战性,更不用说考虑同比增长和收入了。

However, CEO “Richi” Arambarri looked at the traditional “bodega” business model and saw a chink in its armor. 然而,首席执行官“Richi”Arambarri审视了传统的“bodega”商业模式,并看到了其盔甲上的裂缝。

A “small” innovation in the business canvas model helped them to become one of the region’s most important winery groups, with over 10 installations and a presence across all regional denominations (Rioja, Priorat, Rias Baixas, etc.) with year on year growth of 30% – practically unheard of in such a competitive industry. 商业画布模式的“小”创新帮助他们成为该地区最重要的酒庄集团之一,拥有超过 10 个装置,并在所有地区(里奥哈、普里奥拉特、里亚斯拜萨斯等)开展业务,同比增长 30%——在竞争如此激烈的行业中几乎闻所未闻。

So how did Vintae analyze the business model canvas to find a niche in their market? 那么,Vintae 是如何分析商业模式画布以在其市场中找到利基市场的呢?

To answer that question, we must first look at the traditional winery business model 要回答这个问题,我们必须首先看看传统的酒庄商业模式.

Traditional Winery Business Model with its 9 developed points

As you can see, the wine industry has historically been patrimonial. Vineyards and estates are passed down through generations with the winery responsible for all phases of production, clarification, and distribution. 正如你所看到的,葡萄酒行业历来是世袭的。葡萄园和庄园代代相传,酒庄负责生产、澄清和分销的所有阶段。

The traditional winery business canvas model suggests you must be the owner of the winery/vineyard where the wine is “manufactured”, meaning physical assets are a key resource of the business model. 传统的酒庄业务画布模型表明,您必须是“制造”葡萄酒的酒庄/葡萄园的所有者,这意味着实物资产是商业模式的关键资源。

So, if you wanted to start producing a Rioja, for example, you’d have to set up your vineyard in the region. 因此,例如,如果你想开始生产里奥哈,你必须在该地区建立你的葡萄园。

This is monumentally expensive as you need to: 这是非常昂贵的,因为您需要:

  • Purchase the land 购买土地
  • Plant a vineyard 种植葡萄园
  • Absorb set-up and installation costs 吸收设置和安装成本
  • Deal with maintenance costs 处理维护成本

It’s here where Vintae saw their opportunity. 正是在这里,Vintae 看到了他们的机会。

What if we move vineyard ownership across the business model canvas from key resources to key partners*?* 如果我们将整个商业模式的葡萄园所有权从关键资源转移到关键合作伙伴,会怎么样?

By leasing the equipment and space of large wineries (of which there was plenty), they could still produce their wine but reduce the cost and exposure associated with land purchase, crushing equipment, huge storage tanks, vineyard maintenance, and their bottling line. 通过租赁大型酿酒厂(其中有很多)的设备和空间,他们仍然可以生产葡萄酒,但降低了与土地购买、压榨设备、大型储罐、葡萄园维护和装瓶线相关的成本和风险。

This enabled them to focus on their sales, marketing, and distribution channels to create a better brand experience for their customers. 这使他们能够专注于销售、营销和分销渠道,为客户创造更好的品牌体验。

Also, it afforded them more flexibility when creating new wines as they were no longer confined to the limitations of grapes grown on their vineyard. 此外,在酿造新葡萄酒时,这为他们提供了更大的灵活性,因为他们不再局限于葡萄园种植的葡萄的限制。

The lightness of this new business model eliminates maintenance overheads, channels energy into personalizing the customer experience, and allows for unprecedented levels of growth in one of the world’s most competitive industries. 这种新业务模式的轻巧性消除了维护开销,将精力投入到个性化的客户体验中,并允许在世界上最具竞争力的行业之一实现前所未有的增长水平。

Vinate business model

Business Model Canvas Software 商业模式画布软件

Although I did mention starting with a large whiteboard, sticky notes, and a pack of colorful sharpies there are several options in which you can digitize the business canvas model production process. 虽然我确实提到从一块大白板、便签和一包彩色笔开始,但有几种选择可以将商业画布模型制作过程数字化。

While I still believe the aforementioned process is extremely valuable (it gets your entire team’s input in a single hour-long session) you may decide it more viable for each member of management to pool their ideas digitally before sharing with the rest of the group. 虽然我仍然相信上述过程非常有价值(它可以在一个小时的会议中获得整个团队的意见),但您可能会决定每个管理层成员在与团队其他成员分享之前以数字方式汇集他们的想法更可行。

If that’s the case, then take a look at some of the following software tools for creating your business model canvas. 如果是这种情况,请查看以下一些用于创建商业模式画布的软件工具。


Created by the founders of the business model canvas Alex Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur, Strategyzer offers a range of business model canvas templates for you to get started with. 由商业模式画布的创始人 Alex Osterwalder 和 Yves Pigneur 创建,Strategyzer 提供了一系列商业模式画布模板供您入门。

If you opt for the paid model (there is a 30-day free trial period) they offer a series of various classes that teach you how to build and test different value propositions and business models. 如果您选择付费模式(有 30 天的免费试用期),他们会提供一系列不同的课程,教您如何构建和测试不同的价值主张和商业模式。

A real-time built-in cost estimator analyzes the financial viability of some of your business ideas, identifying alternative areas you may wish to explore with your model. 实时内置成本估算器会分析您的一些商业理念的财务可行性,确定您可能希望使用模型探索的其他领域。

All-in-all, it’s a great resource to play around with and test some of your business ideas, with the option to dive into further detail if you see fit. 总而言之,这是一个很好的资源,可以玩弄和测试你的一些商业想法,如果你认为合适,可以选择深入研究更多细节。

Canvanizer Canvanizer(坎瓦尼泽酒店)

Canvanizer is a free, easy-to-use web tool that allows you to share links between team members who are brainstorming ideas for a business model canvas, but working remotely. Canvanizer 是一款免费、易于使用的网络工具,可让您在正在为商业模式画布集思广益但远程工作的团队成员之间共享链接。

Like Strategyzer, there are several business model canvas templates provided to help you get started with your analysis. The strength of this platform is its accessibility. Much like a Google Doc., several people can brainstorm on the same canvas simultaneously with changes being synchronized automatically. 与 Strategyzer 一样,提供了多个商业模式画布模板来帮助您开始分析。该平台的优势在于其可访问性。就像 Google Doc. 一样,几个人可以同时在同一画布上集思广益,并自动同步更改。

Business Model Canvas Tool 商业模式画布工具

A ThePowerMBA alumni, impressed by the simplicity and effectiveness of the tool, went ahead and created the free application Business Model Canvas Tool ThePowerMBA校友对该工具的简单性和有效性印象深刻,并继续创建免费的应用程序Business Model Canvas Tool.

It’s an incredibly intuitive, and easy-to-use tool that allows you to create templates simply by clicking the + button in each building block. 这是一个非常直观且易于使用的工具,您只需单击每个构建块中的 + 按钮即可创建模板。

Each business model canvas created can be downloaded and shared as a pdf. with the rest of the team. 创建的每个商业模式画布都可以下载并共享为 pdf。与团队的其他成员一起。

Would You Like to Learn More about Business Models? 您想了解更多关于商业模式的信息吗?

If, after going through our 9-step guide on how to use the Business Model Canvas you’d like to learn more about different business model analysis tools, take a look at our alternative MBA business program 如果在阅读了我们关于如何使用商业模式画布的 9 步指南后,您想了解更多关于不同商业模式分析工具的信息,请查看我们的替代 MBA 商业课程.

As you’ll see, the course gives students a 360-degree view of business and management practices – such as engines of growth, segmentation and targeting, and value propositions. 正如你所看到的,该课程为学生提供了商业和管理实践的360度视角–如增长引擎、细分和定位,以及价值主张。

I highly recommend you go check it out. 我强烈建议你去看看。